Learning a new language? Languages can be difficult to grasp as they require a strong memory and change the way you think about communication and vocabulary. Here are 5 tips to help you absorb the language and get familiar with all its quirks and intricacies.
1. Have regular conversations in the language with someone who speaks it better:
Try to find someone who speaks the language you are learning a little better than you, and have regular conversations with them in that language. This will help your fluency in the language and point out errors you have a tendency for making.
2. Have a pocket dictionary to have on hand:
It is smart to carry a pocket dictionary that translates from english-new language to help you if you need to look up a certain word or forget how to say something.
3. Repeat new words and sentences you learn:
The mind takes time to process new words/sentences and remember their meanings, pronunciation, and usages, so repeat any new words you learn and practice saying sentences that use the words.
4. Pay attention to any nuances to how certain words are used in context:
Certain languages have words that may translate to a simple english word, but have a different connotation and context usage in the language. Remember those small nuances so you don’t sound like a fool!
5. Use a program or app to help you learn the language or keep track of your progress:
Apps and programs like duolingo and rosetta stone can help you learn a language and keep record of your progress, which may benefit some people. Try using apps like these alongside other learning techniques to help refresh your mind on basics.