Processed sugars are refined granules that come from raw cane sugar or sugar beets. It is commonly found as the sugar molecule known as sucrose, and is not renowned for being healthy to the human body. Processed sugars are addictive to the body and can interrupt many internal body functions. Here are 10 profound reasons to quit consuming processed sugars:
1. Diabetes prevention:
Eliminating refined sugars from your diet will help prevent contracting diabetes, a pancreatic disease. Diabetes results from a lack of insulin and elevated blood sugar levels, so cutting out processed sugar is a good prevention method that can help keep your body healthier.
2. Refined sugars cause Headaches:
Despite the good emotional feels you may get after eating sugary comfort food, refined added sugars can cause headaches because sugar responds in the brain like an opioid drug would.
3. Sugars can drain you of energy:
Your body’s blood sugars raise significantly after processed sugar consumption then drop dramatically after that sugar is filtered from your blood. This dramatic drop will cause an equally dramatic drop in your energy levels after the momentary sugar high.
4. Your skin will glow:
If you suffer from redness or acne on your skin, cutting processed sugars out of your body will help clear your complexion.
5. Eliminating sugar can prevent wrinkles from old age:
When you eliminate added sugars from your diet, you regulate your insulin levels which boosts healthy collagen production in skin and reduces skin inflammation. This collagen will can help prevent facial and body wrinkles that come with old age!
6. Your sleep quality will improve:
A few weeks after processed sugar is eliminated from your diet, your sleep quality will improve as high refined sugar content interrupts your sleep wave that helps you restore memories and enter the dream phase of sleep.
7. You can potentially lose weight:
The fat storage process of the body begins to slow down a couple of weeks after refined sugars are eliminated from the diet!